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Please Use the form on the right to contact Brainy Belly.

We will respond as quick as we can.

Please keep in mind that we just a small crew making broth and packing orders, so   it might not be an immediate response.

Thanks for understanding.

1369 New York Ave NE
Washington, DC, 20002


Brainy Belly makes nutrient dense, healing foods. We are one of more than 50 members of the Union Kitchen Incubator in Washington, DC where the motto of: "Create. Contribute. Prosper." guides us all.  We know the benefits of using diet to heal and are grateful for the chance to share our soul-nourishing bone broth.


Book: The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat: Tim Spector

Janalee Redmond

Tim Spector studies twins. And now that he is investigating the microbiome (head of the largest investigative project in the UK,) and what our gut bacteria do for us (or not,) twins offer incredible insight into the very personal nature of how this phenomenon may work. He is a Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King's College London and author of over 700 academic papers, a large proportion of which relate to nutrition and the causes of obesity. 

He brings together both case studies and accounts of other research in an insightful yet entertaining account of where our understanding is now and where it is headed. I enjoyed this book very much and recommend it heartily.

Amazon Link: 
The Diet Myth: The Real Science Behind What We Eat

The Diet Myth COver.jpg

Book: Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain - for Life

Janalee Redmond

Author: David Perlmutter, MD

Dr. Perlmutter does a tremendous job of sharing his vision and as I have certainly learned, this is a challenging role.  He has several books now and issues regular updates via a video blog. He interviews others in the microbiome field and makes the science very accessible. I recommend all of his books and his blog to those new to the concepts because he is accurate and interesting.

His blog, The Empowering Neurologist can be found here: 

Books and links to

Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain - for Life

The Grain Brain Cookbook: More than 150 Life-Changing Gluten-Free Recipes to Transform Your Health