Contact Us:

Please Use the form on the right to contact Brainy Belly.

We will respond as quick as we can.

Please keep in mind that we just a small crew making broth and packing orders, so   it might not be an immediate response.

Thanks for understanding.

1369 New York Ave NE
Washington, DC, 20002


Brainy Belly makes nutrient dense, healing foods. We are one of more than 50 members of the Union Kitchen Incubator in Washington, DC where the motto of: "Create. Contribute. Prosper." guides us all.  We know the benefits of using diet to heal and are grateful for the chance to share our soul-nourishing bone broth.

Brainy Belly Blog

Information on the health benefits of a nutrient-rich diet what includes healing foods such as bone broth.

We have an invite! DISTRICTCRYO

Janalee Redmond

So pleased to be visiting District Cryo this Friday (11/16). It’s catty-corner to the Union Kitchen Grocery at 9th and M St NW and we will be sharing hot Bone Broth and our new Grass Fed Beef Chili with those savvy Cryo fans.

DC Cryo Tank Small.png

Join Us

CRYO and Bone Broth: the perfect COMBO!

It’s a fascinating healing tool that challenges your body to react differently, easing pain and symptoms of aging. We think that nothing could be more perfect post-cryo than a warm hug of gelatin dense healing bone broth.

Join us, from 4 to 7pm for samples and conversation! We can’t wait to see you there.

District CRYO

Mt. Vernon - Shaw

1300 9th Street NW

Washington, DC 20001

202 - 232 -4036

The Kiva Community is Us!

Janalee Redmond

You did it! All of you, the many friends of Brainy Belly came together and pledged $10,000 to our goal of moving into USDA Inspected production.

It was so thrilling to watch the progress of your commitments gather shape via our Kiva loan request.  163 lenders offered financial contributions to be repaid over three years without interest. Thanks to this cash we've been able to purchase new stock pot stoves for the dedicated production space, add another employee, (the estimable Mr. Sanders,) and do a complete redesign of all our labels. We are so grateful and appreciative to have this capacity to make decisions and create options that the normal cash flow of a small business is not ready to meet.

I've participated in the Kiva community for many years, fascinated by the reach and scope of the doors it opened for hard working people around the globe. Brainy Belly is proud to join their ranks and become a full fledged member of the Kiva Community. Thank you.  

Dear Customers, I can't go all USDA alone.

Janalee Redmond

We are taking a very big step. Actually, we've been trying to take it for the last six months. Most of our product sells wholesale to area markets and specialty shops. It is the sort of steady business that keeps us producing, buying bones from our farmers, paying staff to work and keeping broth in the freezer to ship to our loyal and valued customers. But we are confined to the District of Columbia, unable to sell to shops across state lines without violating the law.

In order to grow, and also to keep from having to turn away wholesale customers just because they are in Virginia, we have embarked on a mission to gain the coveted USDA shield for our labels. And I really can't go it alone. Union Kitchen, who is our landlord and the genius team that has made so much of this journey possible, has it figured out, mostly. They created a room in the new Ivy City location that meets the requirements for USDA inspected production. I have written the documentation, met with the consultants and revised and re-designed the labels. We are so close.

We also could really use your help. It's been a tiring effort, and now that it is about to happen we face some big expenses. So we've launched a Kiva campaign to raise $10,000 to fund new equipment, add an employee and print all the bags with the revised labels. The beauty of Kiva is that when you contribute as lender, you join an amazing community of people who are reaching across great distance to do good. You also get the accountability which Kiva provides. Brainy Belly will not pay interest for this loan and repayment will be tracked through the loan account. Each donor gets a notice when we make our payments. 

I've been contributing to loans via Kiva since 2014 and felt that it was great to be able to connect and support. But now that I am fundraising I am seeing the number of loans some of my contributors have made and it is stunning. There are groups who've organized to pool resources and support hundreds of loans. I am inspired to be more focused with my Kiva activity. Please consider supporting Brainy Belly's big step forward, and possibly find more to the experience than you ever imagined. 

Click here or on the photo above to be redirected to our Kiva campaign. We're off to a great start, but 27 days will pass very quickly and we still have almost $8,000 to raise. Thank you so much.

Time for Turkey Bone Broth!!

Janalee Redmond

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Our wonderful farmers at Groff's Content Farm sent us the bones from their pasture raised turkeys. This is a special Bone Broth, only available during the holidays when bones are available. It's delicious and full of gelatin which means that just a bit of reduction, with the addition of pan drippings or butter makes a lovely gravy. Shop here.

New Packaging

Janalee Redmond

This week we’re saying goodbye to the spout bag we've been using and returning to a heat sealed zip top bag. We weren’t particularly happy with how difficult the spout bag was to open and so we are packaging our bone broth in the same bags we currently use for Mighty Soup and Comfort Soup.

We will still be using a spout bag for our mini Bone Broths, convenient single servings in 8 oz bags. These will be bundled as a pack of three, offering our retail partners the chance to sell them as three or singles. We know Bone Broth to be a super flavorful, protein- and health-packed snack and are so pleased to be able to offer them. Find them soon in our online store and area retailers.

We Are Growing! @UnionKitchenDC

Janalee Redmond

I have not been writing much lately. Part of that is because we've been going through an explosive period, of growth in production, in orders, in sourcing ingredients that meet our exacting standards.

I love managing the various issues of a small business but the classic maxim is very true. Every day, a new problem. The good news? I have found great staff to assist in production.

On the left is Stephon, Omar in the center and me on the right. We posed in the photo booth while working the Union Kitchen Open Tasting on July 16th.

Stephon is a graduate of the DC Central Kitchen program where he was trained to work in a professional kitchen and given great opportunities to intern in big-time production kitchens. He is the pressure cooker whisperer, beyond all others that I have tasked, and he so gets the timing, the watching and the care that must be taken. I am mute with gratitude.

Omar has been in the restaurant business for many years and he is a wonder with a knife and a stove. Watch out! This man gets things done, and Brainy Belly is thrilled to have him on our team. He has tackled the cooking of this new restricted diet protocol with his characteristic energy. He gobbles up the books that I share with him, and given his own digestive issues, is quick to relate with the importance of strict adherence.

The power of Brainy Belly to achieve our ambitious program is finding traction. With the help of Omar and Stephon we can deliver Personal Chef meals, fulfill our retail and wholesale orders and spend the time testing recipes that must be done if we are to provide spectacular services for our clients.

Please watch for additions to our retail and Personal Chef menus. We rack our brains to determine how we can provide the services needed for our clients, in a particularly delicious and tasty form.